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Ways to Celebrate and Support Women Entrepreneurs

by Jaishika
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Ways to Celebrating Women Entrepreneurs Success | Womopreneur

There is more to building a business than what social media portrays. It takes time, money, and resources to create a dream and these efforts multiply and get heightened when we consider underrepresented and marginalized individuals. And in our case, we are here referring to our beloved women entrepreneurs.

Business is not a strange phenomenon for women anymore. They have been breaking barriers and all orthodoxies to lead the way for a long time now. From a small home-based rooftop business by 7 women called Shri Mahila Griha Udyog Lijjat Papad to a large cosmetic brand called Sugar Cosmetics with a net worth of over 4000 crores, women have come a long way. They have not just battled the conventional male world, but also battled to stay put.

According to a report by National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom), “at least 36 unicorns and potential unicorns in India have at least one woman founder or co-founder”. 

And as they are breaking the glass ceiling along the way, it is time for us to celebrate the significance of women entrepreneurs. And how do we do that? Well, this article is exactly what you need to know how to celebrate – Women Entrepreneurs.

Events that Support Women Entrepreneurs

Not everyone is lucky to dream and achieve. There are many still in our country who do not have the proper education or lack knowledge about business ideas and how it all works. Teaching girls and young women early on what they can do is the best way one can celebrate and support women entrepreneurs. In order to do this, you can set up events for girls at schools, community centers, or by going to Gram (Village) Panchayats. 

You can teach about how one can dream big for their community or family. How – to become an entrepreneur, you do not need a big financial background but there are real support groups or bank schemes that can help them. 

These events are beneficial not only for young girls but also for you because the young generation comes with a young mind. Their ideas are never used because that is their innovative thinking. You might get a concept from these young minds that you may never think of – or better yet, they may take you on a journey where you unfold new possibilities and explore them.

Share the Same Space

They say, knowledge increases if shared. Following that, we suggest that one must organize closed gatherings of women entrepreneurs, because the more the merrier. Do you know one or maybe two women entrepreneurs? Call them, plan a get-together, ask them to bring their known women entrepreneurs, and ask them to bring theirs. This way, not only will you be able to connect with more smart minds, but also be able to knit a safe space for like-minded women. 

Hosting these get-togethers can be really fun. You can share your story and listen to theirs. These stories will have real struggles, successes, failures, high points and lows, perseverance, and more, but they will all make you stronger because the one telling them is sitting with you at the same level. So, it is all gain from here. 

Talking of parties, who does not like to party or check out of their busy schedules? Thus, it is not necessary to make this a serious event. It can be a formal set-up with an emcee and mic, or it can be held on a rooftop café with some light music, some champagne, and lots of talks. After all, we are here to celebrate!

Whatever you do, remember, all this is to meet, connect, and network with like-minded women who have the shared experience of breaking barriers and starting their own businesses.

Be the Guru!

To tell you the truth, you do not have to be a boss lady to celebrate women’s entrepreneurship. Neither do you need to participate in a WEDO-sponsored event to show that you care for women entrepreneurs. If you are one of those, who like it to be private and away from the hustle bustle, and glamour, be a mentor to the next generations of female entrepreneurs. They may need some advice that is not available on the internet or on all those empowering podcasts. Guidance that only a real struggler can share. Pieces of advice that you may have wanted when you were budding. All that you thought would have helped you then, can help someone today.

Young women entrepreneurs need someone to embrace them and realize their thought process, and moreover tell them if they are going. We all know that doing business is a lot more than clicking pictures for Instagram sitting in a swanky office. The real fight is not the dream but everything after that. A good mentor helps in building confidence and the daring to dream. 

And as mentioned, you do not have to come under light for that. You can be a guru to someone to build them, so even if you hide behind the curtains, you can still run the show by sharing your wisdom and experience with young minds.

You can choose to mentor at your office space, as a community helper, or in a more formal setup like mentoring events, it is really pretty easy if you are willing.

Spread on Social Media 

Did you know that Women’s Entrepreneurship Day is observed every year on November 19 to honor female entrepreneurs and to discuss their contributions to the entrepreneurial community? Well, you may have known this but in reality, many people including women do not know about this day. 

We have so many days to celebrate – lazy day, internet day, international coffee day, hobbit day, even an ice cream day (which is by the way on 16th July, not that we are going to celebrate it, but what if you do :D). Anyway, the world is busy celebrating so many days that they are forgetting to celebrate one of the most important days – Women’s Entrepreneurship Day. So, here is the time to be the hero(ine) and spread the news about our very own day. Let the world know and celebrate this achievement made by women. Many may not even be aware that the holiday exists (it’s not government-sponsored), so let them know.

Sometimes, having a social media influence is not that bad because, in today’s era of continuous online updates, it becomes important to stay current with the world and spread the cause you work for. You can for example share the success stories of leading women entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey or Madame C J Walker. Or you can also choose your local inspirations. Let the world celebrate – women entrepreneurs!

Support Women Entrepreneurs and their Organizations

Are you still thinking about how you can contribute to celebrating women’s entrepreneurship? We have more in store for you. Keep reading.

So, if you are not into all the above types of celebration, then the next may entice your interest. There are many international, national, state-level, and local organizations that support women entrepreneurs. One such is The Women Entrepreneurship Platform (WEP) by Niti Aayog. And to name a few smaller ones, you can take a look at:

While all these NGOs work toward a single goal of educating and empowering women, they may vary in how they approach them. Some offer resources, some education, and some support. Choose your cause and participate in their events. They are always looking for volunteers to help them.

Reach Out to Them

Do you know any women entrepreneurs who have inspired you? They can be a famous icon or your local vendor an inspiring story. It is time you show them that they have inspired you. This will not just make them happy but will give them the courage to keep fighting against all odds and achieve success. We read about many hurdles that a woman may have faced to become an entrepreneur, but the real story of her hardship can never be penned. However, it can be felt. So, by reaching out to them and telling them that their fight inspired you, you are actually giving them more hope, love, and support. However big a woman entrepreneur becomes; they are still soft at heart. And these small gestures make them brave, bold, and daring.

And you know what, you do not need to sing for them, or write a dreamy poem, just thank them for being who they are, for helping you in your journey, or maybe just take a piece of advice. They may probably not be aware that they motivated you, so your words of appreciation will likely make her day.

Purchase from Women-owned Businesses

It is during Diwali in India that we see so many local vendors selling their products on the street. From sparkling decorations to rich and shiny lights. And we all do remember the lady selling Diyas (small oil lamps, usually made of clay), even till 10 or 11 pm, when all other shops are closed. Do you not feel her hardship? It is them who are really facing life as it comes. So, this holiday season, vow to purchase from these small and local female entrepreneurs. And why just Diwali, our country is rich in festivals, so make it count.

Celebrate the festivals with them and make every smile count. And you never know, choosing to buy from local female entrepreneurs with the intention to highlight them, help them, and support them, may inspire others to do the same.

How to Support Women Entrepreneurs?

With this note, we would like to conclude with a message for all those who are willing to make a difference –

‘Do not hesitate from telling the women entrepreneur that you inspired me. So, let’s celebrate, YOU!’

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