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Small Business Grants For Women – Business Grants to Help You Succeed

by Bani Banerjee
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Small Business Grants For Women | Womopreneur

Women are the core pillar of many businesses. They have spread their wings in many fields and have come out with flying colors. There are certain cases where women face challenges based on certain measures when it comes to income and ownership. Many successful female entrepreneurs have done wonders. But, many of them still face challenges at their workplace or while qualifying for business loans. They often face challenges in various forms of financing while trying to build business credit. Many small businesses struggle and suffer when taking loans is difficult and money is in short supply.

On average, women who manage to get a loan often receive smaller sums as compared to male borrowers. This means that female business owners struggle to obtain credit in this competitive market. Some researchers state that women are more averse to financial risks, while some state that they apply for fewer loans. The lower amount of loans for women shows that bias is a critical factor.

Here are some small business grants that might solve your problems. These grants are generally free financing as opposed to the small-business loans that you have to pay back. There is a lot of competition for these grants and it might take you some time to win them. If you are a woman looking to start or grow your business, then these small business grants may help you take the flight.

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Small Business Grants For Women Entrepreneurs

Some federal governments grant the small-business women owners in certain fields such as development projects, research, business in rural areas, etc.

  1. Grants.gov – It is a database of federally sponsored grants. For applying, you must have a DUNS number (six-digit identification number) for your business and register after creating an account through its System Award Management site. For viewing the grants for small businesses filter the results at the left side of the page under eligibility.
  2. The Girlboss Foundation Grant – Launched by Sophia Amoruso in 2014, this foundation award grants twice a year to female-identifying entrepreneurs. These grants are for the business owners in the field of Fashion, Arts, Music, and design. It grants funding of $15000 to its recipient. The selection of the recipients is done based on innovation, creativity, planning, business acumen, and their financial needs.  
  3. Eileen Fisher Women-Owned Business Grant Program – It is one of the best women-focused grants. Eileen Fisher is a clothing brand and gives $100,000 annual rewards to up to 10 recipients. This grant has helped many women and many non-profit companies to expand their businesses.
  4. Amber Grants For Women – This grant started in 1998 when Amber, a 19-year-old girl passed away before achieving her entrepreneurship dreams. This grant helps many women in her honor. The Amber Grant gives a monthly $500 grant. There are larger grant opportunities in some cases. You can apply at the website of Amber Grants For Women. The winners are selected by a judging panel from WomensNet.
  5. Open Meadows Foundation – It gives the grant to smaller organizations that have an operating budget of around $75,000 per year. These grants is for the projects led by women. This foundation gives a biannual grant of $2000. This foundation focuses on projects led by girls and women. Those businesses with limited financial access might get the grant. For applying you have to fill one cover sheet and mail it to Meadows. Then someone will get in touch with you.
  6. Idea Cafe Grant – It offers a grant of $1000. There is much competition in the quick and easy applications but if you have an incredible idea and a very creative and ground-breaking solution for everyday problems, then there are chances that you may make it. Idea Cafe Grant is not women-specific but is friendly to all the women applicants. You can sign up with Idea Cafe and apply for the grant.
  7. The Halstead Gran – The Halstead Grant is an annual grant to exceptional silver jewelry designers. It is an industry and women-focused grant. The winners in 2018 got $7500 and $1000 plus a trip to Halstead’s office in Prescott, Arizona. If you have a business of silver jewelry then you must apply for this grant.
  8.  37 Angels Grant – It is a group of women investors who came together to provide an accelerator program for bringing your business to the next level. The capital inflow is in the form of investment but not grants. This could be what your business needs, to grow and succeed.
  9.  Belle Capital – It offers investment to women-led organizations in the early stage. They target to invest in 10 to 15 high growth companies. They look for businesses that can reach $20 million in revenue in 5 years. Belle Capital, like other venture firms, participates and brings expertise to grow your business. Their mission is to mitigate the gap between men and women.
  10. Tory Burch Foundation – The Tory Burch Foundation offers the women a medium to access funding for their business through the Tory Burch Foundation Capital Program. This program helps female entrepreneurs connect with the community leaders who provide affordable loans for helping them grow their business.

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